Correct Change App
Correct Change App is a simple and easy-to use calulator that can be used to visually illustrate the number of each kind of bill and coin a customer who has paid in cash is owed after their purchase. It also includes the option to exclude certain values of bills or coins if the cashier's cash drawer is running low.
This app was coded with the intent to help those who are either new to making change with US currency or for those who simply struggle, for whatever reason, to correctly make change, despite that being an important part of their job. All that is is required to use Correct Change App is the ability to enter the dollar values of the purchase price and the correct dollar value of the cash the customer has given to the cashier. Correct Change App shows on the screen, under the correct value of change owed, how many of each value of bill and coin makes the most efficient equivelant to the amount of change owed.
Should the cashier not have enough of a certain value of bill or coin to make a stack equal to the one shown in Correct Change App, they can simply tap on the visual representation of the stack and tell Correct Change App how many of that value they do have. The stacks will redraw themselves to an alternative that uses only the value of bill or coin they've run out of with additional bill and/or coins added to keep the combined total equal to the correct amount of change owed to the customer.
Correct Change App is available for download in the Google Play Store.